
United Kingdom: recycling campaign and creating maps of the school's region using recyclable materials

United Kingdom: recycling campaign and creating maps of the school's region using recyclable materials April 2013

We collected lots of recycled goods to use for this project and had several groups working on this.

After collecting the rubbish we upcycled some things to make items to sell at a recycled market

Each group chose a local tourist site or famous region of which to create a model.
We chose to make the following areas/ landmarks

Pendle hill

To make our models we have used recycled materials such as;

Sweet wrappers
Plastic containers
Used light bulb
Old maps
 Used paper
 Carrier bags
 Paper towels

The models took a lot of time and research but

 this did not stop us from having a fun time

 making everything together as a team!

Liverpool Waterfront

Pendle H|ill

Using an OS map to create the hills and rivers of the local area.
The pupils describing the tourist attraction and how they made it.

Blackpool Tower

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